Become a member

Why become a member of Home-Start Kirklees
Members can make a real difference to struggling families and children. They participate in a like-minded community, helping to shape the future direction of the charity through consultation and feedback. There are lots of benefits of becoming a member including:
• They participate in electing other members to become trustees.
• They are invited to attend member events and are kept up to date with news and developments by receiving regular copies of our supporter bulletin.
• They attend annual general meetings and other/extra ordinary general meetings
• They can be consulted and agree to any proposed changes to our governing document
• They can see the minutes of meetings.
• They can call general meetings (upon a written request signed by 10 members which states the purpose of the meeting) and can put resolutions for a vote at general meetings

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then please email [email protected] for more information.

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